Do you offer PSAT preparation?

Yes! The PSAT is merely a shortened version of the SAT, which is our specialty. While some other organizations claim to offer "expert" preparation for dozens of tests, we focus primarily on SAT preparation, giving us an unparalleled depth of expertise on the exam. Our fall courses are specially arranged to cover all of the material on the PSAT before juniors take the test, and continue further to cover all material on the SAT.

Is your program comprehensive?

Yes! The PSAT is merely a shortened version of the SAT, which is our specialty. While some other organizations claim to offer "expert" preparation for dozens of tests, we focus primarily on SAT preparation, giving us an unparalleled depth of expertise on the exam. Our fall courses are specially arranged to cover all of the material on the PSAT before juniors take the test, and continue further to cover all material on the SAT.

Are there opportunities for extra help? 

There are many ways to receive extra help during and after the course. First, every course includes optional "Spotlight" sessions at no additional fee to reinforce skills learned in the regular classes. Second, all teachers provide their contact information during the first class and are available by phone or email to answer any specific questions your student may have. Additionally, teachers are often available to meet one-on-one with students for short review sessions before class starts. Finally, students have extensive access to their Site Directors, each a master of every section of the SAT. 

What are your teachers like?

Brilliant, funny, articulate, inspirational, zany, caring—no single adjective captures everything that makes our teachers special. They have diverse backgrounds, skills, and styles, but all share three critical qualities. First, they are expertly trained masters of the test. Not only can they instantly see the right answer, but they can also see the common mistakes and helpful insights within each question. Second, they have the energy and personality to make every class interesting. A math genius who puts her class to sleep or a grammar master with the personality of a fern will never make it past the first round of our hiring process. Our teachers must be adept enough to understand and explain everything about the test and interesting enough to make class fun. Third, and most important, our teachers care deeply about helping students reach their goals. We keep our classes small so teachers can get to know every student and give every student the attention and help he or she needs. We love helping our students reach their goals!


How long have you been doing this?

TestTakers was founded in 1983 and has grown (almost exclusively through word-of-mouth recommendations) every year since then. We focus primarily on the SAT—though we also offer ACT booster programs in certain locations—and have used our decades of teaching experience and exhaustive study of every released exam to ensure our teaching methods are as effective as possible.